Voici l'endroit où il faut être quand il pleut (grosse averse au moment où je prenais cette photo). Vintage, cosy et délicieux. Je suis restée seulement un petit quart d'heure dans ce salon, assise sur un canapé devant ce (vrai) feu de cheminée. J'avais, telle que vous la voyez, cette image devant mes yeux et je n'ai rien arrangé ou déplacé pour rendre la photo plus "sexy", elle n'en avait pas besoin. (C'est l'un des salons attenant au lobby du Hazlitt's.)
The right place to be when it is raining outside. I stayed only 15 minutes in this room, seated in the sofa in front of this fireplace. I had this image in front of my eyes. The books, on the table and on the fireplace, were exactly in this position, as well as the armchairs, I didn't touch anything to make the style better. No need. Vintage, cosy and delicious. (It is one of the the living rooms, lobby next door, at the Hazlitt's.)
The right place to be when it is raining outside. I stayed only 15 minutes in this room, seated in the sofa in front of this fireplace. I had this image in front of my eyes. The books, on the table and on the fireplace, were exactly in this position, as well as the armchairs, I didn't touch anything to make the style better. No need. Vintage, cosy and delicious. (It is one of the the living rooms, lobby next door, at the Hazlitt's.)